Hope for Treatment Resistant Depression

While about 70 percent of clinically depressed people are responsive to antidepressant medications—and are able to find some degree of relief, however, around 30 percent of patients continue to suffer from depression. Those 30 percent often spend years trying different medications and treatment options, but to no avail. Patients are told their depression is treatment resistant, and many simply give up. If only they had been made aware of Ketamine IV Infusions for the treatment of depression. In the majority of cases, Ketamine IV Infusions are effective for patients that are resistant to standard treatments.

Treating Depression

You are not alone in your battle with depression. According to the WHO, depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide, and globally more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression. There is new hope in Ketamine IV Infusions for the treatment of depression. To date, there have been numerous studies on the positive effect of Ketamine on depression and suicide, so much so that the FDA has approved a sister compound, Esketamine for treatment of depression.​

How does Ketamine work for Depression?​

  • Scientists have investigated the mechanism of action of Ketamine on the brain, and what we know so far is fascinating!
  • Ketamine increases one of your own existing brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters.
  • The name of the transmitter is Glutamate and it is one that excites nerve cells at very specific receptors, which are the sites where the neurotransmitter work.
  • This increase in the chemical occurs in pyramidal cells of the brain that are impacted by depression

Benefits Of Ketamine IV Infusions

According to a 2019 Harvard Health report, “If a person responds to ketamine, it can rapidly reduce suicidality (life-threatening thoughts and acts) and relieve other serious symptoms of depression. Ketamine also can be effective for treating depression combined with anxiety. Other treatments for suicidal thoughts and depression often take weeks or even months to take effect, and some people need to try several medications or approaches to gain relief. This is true for talk therapies, antidepressant medicines, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which is currently the most effective treatment for major depression that fails to respond to other therapies.” Ketamine provides hope when other forms of treatment ail.

What to Expect From Treatments

Treatment induction includes 6 one 45-60 minute sessions spread over a 2-3 week period. Research has shown this regimen to be the most effective induction method. Patients typically feel effects within the first 4 treatments, and are recommended to continue their regular care with a mental health practitioner, as well as their current drug regimen. Additionally, ketamine booster infusions are generally needed periodically following the induction treatment to maintain relief.

In general, patients feel effects within the first 4 treatments, and are recommended to continue their regular care with a mental health practitioner, as well as their current drug regimen.

The response to Ketamine is very individual with some patients feeling the effects right away, while others require all six, and occasionally more treatments. We will assess your response at treatment 3-4 to determine how you are responding and how we can optimize the dosing to suit your response.